A work in progress (updated 28 July 2021)
I. LGBTQ Issues in Music Education
I. LGBTQ Issues in Music Education
- Allsup, R. E. (2016). Fractured (fairy) tales: In search of transformational spaces in music education. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, (207-208), 49-61.
- Bergonzi, L. (2009). Sexual orientation and music education: Continuing a tradition. Music Educators Journal, 96(2), 21–25. https://doi.org/10.1177/0027432109350929
- Bergonzi, L. (2015). Gender and sexual diversity challenges (for socially just) music education. In C. Benedict, P. Schmidt, G. Spruce, & P. Woodford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice in Music Education (pp. 221–237). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Bergonzi, L., Carter, B. L., & Garrett, M. L. (2016). Establishing identity, finding community, and embracing fluidity. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 207–208, 9–23.
- Carter, B. A. (2013). “Nothing better or worse than being Black, gay, and in the band” A qualitative examination of gay undergraduates participating in historically Black college or university marching bands. Journal of Research in Music Education, 61(1), 26-43.
- DeNardo, G. F., Legutki, A. R., Abramo, J., Cavicchia, J., Duling, E., Fitzpatrick, K. R., Hansen, E., Furman, L. J., Garrett, M. L., Haywood, J., Natale-Abramo, M., Nichols, J., Pergolesi, J., Spano, F. P., Sweet, B., Paparo, S. A., Talbot, B. C., Millman, M. B., Taylor, D. M., & Younker, B. A. (2011). Establishing Identity: LGBT studies & music education – select conference proceedings. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 188, 9–64.
- Garrett, M. L. (2012). The LGBTQ Component of 21st-Century Music Teacher Training Strategies for Inclusion From the Research Literature. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 31(1), 55–62. https://doi.org/10.1177/8755123312458294
- Garrett, M. L., & Spano, F. P. (2017). An examination of LGBTQ-inclusive strategies used by practicing music educators. Research Studies in Music Education, 39(1), 39–56. https://doi.org/10.1177/1321103X17700702
- Goodrich, A. (2020). Counterpoint in the music classroom: Creating an environment of resilience with peer mentoring and LGBTQIA+ students. International Journal of Music Education, 38(4), 582-592.
- Haywood, J. (2011). LGBT self-identity and implications in the emerging music education dialogue. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 188, 33-38.
- Hess, J. (2016). “How does that apply to me?” The gross injustice of having to translate. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, (207-208), 81-100.
- Palkki, J., & Caldwell, P. (2018). “We are often invisible”: A survey on safe space for LGBTQ students in secondary school choral programs. Research Studies in Music Education, 40(1), 28–49. https://doi.org/10.1177/1321103X17734973
- Palkki, J., & Sauerland, W. (2019). Considering gender complexity in music teacher education. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 28(3), 72-84.
- Roseth, N. E. (2019). Features of university environments that support well-being as perceived by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning undergraduate music and art students. Journal of Research in Music Education, 67(2), 171-192.
- Southerland, W. (2018). The rainbow connection: How music classrooms create safe spaces for sexual-minority young people. Music Educators Journal, 104(3), 40–45.
- Talbot, B., & Millman, M. (2011). Discourses surrounding marginalized groups, LGBTQ issues, and music learning and teaching practices in season 1 of Glee. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education. http://bcrme.press.illinois.edu/proceedings/Establishing_Identity/14_Talbot_Millman.pdf
- Taylor, D. (2017). Zeke’s Story: Intersections of Faith, Vocation, and LGBTQ Identity in the South. In Marginalized voices in music education (pp. 153-175). Routledge.
- Taylor, D. (2018). Research-to-resource: Dignity for all: LGBTQ students and empathic teaching. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 36(3), 55–58. https://doi.org/10.1177/8755123318761914
- Koza, J. E. (1993). Big boys don’t cry (or sing): Gender, misogyny, and homophobia in college choral methods texts. The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning, 4–5(4–1), 48–64.
- Koza, J. E. (1993b). The “missing males” and other gender issues in music education: Evidence from the “Music Supervisors’ Journal,” 1914-1924. Journal of Research in Music Education, 41(3), 212–232. https://doi.org/10.2307/3345326
- McBride, N. R. (2016). Singing, sissies, and sexual identity: How LGBTQ choral directors negotiate gender discourse. Music Educators Journal, 102(4), 36–40. https://doi.org/10.1177/0027432116644653
- McBride, N. R., & Palkki, J. (2020). Big boys don’t cry (or sing) … still?: A modern exploration of gender, misogyny, and homophobia in college choral methods texts. Music Education Research, 22(4), 408–420. https://doi.org/10.1080/14613808.2020.1784862
- Palkki, J. (2015). Gender Trouble: Males, adolescents, and masculinity in the choral context. Choral Journal, 56(4), 24–35.
- No known studies/articles.
- Abramo, J. M. (2011). Queering informal pedagogy: Sexuality and popular music in school. Music Education Research, 13(4), 465-477.
- Gould, E. (2009). Dis-orientations of desire: Music education queer. In Music education for changing times (pp. 59-71). Springer, Dordrecht.
- Gould, E. (2012). Homosexual subject (ivitie) s in music (education): Deconstructions of the disappeared. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 20(1), 45-62.
- Gould, E. (2013). Companion-able species: A queer pedagogy for music education. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, (197), 63-75.
- Gould, E. (2016). Ecstatic abundance: Queer temporalities in LGBTQ studies and music education. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, (207-208), 123-138.
Gould, E. (2021). Where Does Diversity Go Straight? Biopolitics, Queer of Color Critique, and Music Education. The Politics of Diversity in Music Education, 151-162. - Schaller, J. G. (2020). A home on the floor: The musical expression of a DJ in a queer place. Journal of Popular Music Education, 4(3), 329-347.
- Minette, S. (2018). “Do I really want to do this now?” Negotiations of sexual identity and professional identity: An intergenerational collaboration with six gay and lesbian K-12 music educators. PhD dissertation. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- McBride, N. R. (2016). Critical moments: Gay male choral directors and the taking up of gender discourse. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 207-208, 63–79. https://doi.org/10.5406/bulcouresmusedu.207-208.0063
- Palkki, J. (2015). “Negotiating the closet door”: The lived experiences of two gay music teachers. Visions of Research in Music Education, 26. http://www-usr.rider.edu/~vrme/v26n1/visions/Palkki_Negotiating_Closet_Door.pdf
- Paparo, S., & Sweet, B. (2014). Negotiating sexual identity: Experiences of two gay and lesbian preservice music teachers. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, (199), 19-37.
- Taylor, D. M. (2011). Identity negotiation: An intergenerational examination of lesbian and gay band directors. Research & Issues in Music Education, 9(1), 1–14.
- Taylor, D. M. (2018). LGBTQ music educators: External mentoring between student teachers and in-service teachers. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 216, 65–86.
- Taylor, D. M., Talbot, B. C., Holmes, E. J., & Petrie, T. (2020). Experiences of LGBTQ+ students in music education programs across Texas. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 1057083720935610. https://doi.org/10.1177/1057083720935610
- Thomas-Durrell, L. (2020). Being your ‘true self’: the experiences of two gay music educators who teach in the Bible Belt. Music Education Research, 22(1), 29-41.
- Bartolome, S. J. (2016). Melanie’s story: A narrative account of a transgender music educator’s journey. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 207–208, 25–47. https://doi.org/10.5406/bulcouresmusedu.207-208.0025
Bartolome, S. J., & Stanford, M. E. (2017). “Can’t I Sing with the Girls?”: A transgender music educator’s journey. In B. C. Talbot (Ed.), Marginalized Voices in Music Education (pp. 128–150). Routledge. - Garrett, M. L., & Palkki, J. (2021). Honoring trans and gender-expansive students in music education. Oxford University Press.
- Kruse, A. J. (2016). “Therapy was writing rhymes”: Hip-hop as resilient space for a queer rapper of color. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, (207-208), 101-122.
- Nichols, J. (2013). Rie’s story, Ryan’s journey: Music in the life of a transgender student. Journal of Research in Music Education, 61(3), 262-279.
- Silveira, J. M., & Goff, S. C. (2016). Music Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Transgender Students and Supportive School Practices. Journal of Research in Music Education, 64(2), 138–158. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022429416647048
- Silveira, J. M. (2019). Perspectives of a transgender music education student. Journal of Research in Music Education, 66(4), 428–448.
- Taylor, D. (2014). Learning to sing again: A gay widower’s journey. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 199, 69–86.